
After 30 years in Rosewater,  you’ll now find us at:
954-956 Port Rd, Albert Park SA, diagonally opposite Bunnings.

Here you'll find our new showroom and manufacturing facility.

Opening Hours

We are open:
Monday to Friday 0700-1700
Saturday 0900-1200
Closed Sundays, Easter Saturday and all SA Public Holidays.


If you’d like to contact us feel free to direct all enquiries including requests for our free estimation and quote service to:
, or
Phone: (08) 8243 0653

There is one-hour parking from 0900-1500 on Port Rd or we have unlimited parking behind the warehouse available off Jervois St (off West Lakes Blvd), see below for a map.

Get in Touch

Fields marked with an * are required

  • For a faster response please provide a phone number.
  • Please provide as much detail as possible.


954-956 Port Rd
Albert Park SA 5014
Tel: 08 8243 0653


© 2020 - 2025. Classic Ceiling Supplies. All rights reserved. ABN: 19 622 942 965